Opinions of Classroom Teachers Regarding Live Lessons Taught Over EBA During the Covid-19 Pandemic Process

31 December, 2022


Authors : Mehmet DÜNDAR, Sğleyman ERSÖZ, Ahmet KARAMAN, Veysi NERGİZ


Purpose – The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of distant education used in primary schools and to identify any potential drawbacks. Primary school teachers were asked their opinions about distance education conducted over EBA during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Design/methodology/approach – In the study, a qualitative research model was employed. Additionally, in the qualitative data design enabling instructors to share their own experiences with the EBA system under the Ministry of National Education, a phenomenological paradigm was applied.

Findings – In this section of the study, the opinions of the classroom teachers regarding the live lessons they held via the EBA (Education Informatics Network) were studied. First, the research looked at the participants' opinions on distant learning, which was implemented when face-to-face instruction began following the COVID-19 pandemic.

Originality/value – This study is crucial for gathering primary school teachers' comments on distance learning over EBA during the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as for identifying the strengths and weaknesses of distance learning programs used in primary schools.

Keywords: Eğitim Bilişim Ağı (EBA), Nitel Araştırma, Uzaktan Eğitim

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Dündar, M., Ersöz, S., Karaman, A. & Nergiz, V. (2022). Opinions of Classroom Teachers Regarding Live Lessons Taught Over EBA During the Covid-19 Pandemic Process. Turkish Journal of Qualitative Research, 2(2), 42-52.